Resources & Tools

This is a continually updated list of tools and resources used by Ronnell and other members of the community.

These are NOT monetized links. Resources are only included that have been tested used by Ronnell himself.

Fathom Video

This is Ronnell's goto note taker for all his Zoom, Teams and Google Meet online meetings.


Personal Video is key to Ronnell's communication and sales philosophy. Uses two providers for his videos.


BombBomb is Ronnell's second provider. He likes both of these services for different reasons. He suggests you try them both out and see what works best for your business.

The Podcasts

Learn from some of the best and most talented leaders on the planet.

Chat GPT

Ronnell uses this tool daily for ideation and operational direction.

Shield App

Great tool for analyzing and compiling your LinkedIn data